
Thank you for landing on my personal research site. If you do not readily know me, here is a brief introduction to myself and my academic background.

I am a researcher operating in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics. I am specialized in scientific software design and implementation, having mixed background in computer science and astronomy.

I grew up in Québec, Canada. Hence, my mother tongue is French, and I am Québécois. I work at the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radioastronomy.

A list of my scientific publications, presentations, training material and software can be accessed under the work section.

In the hope that this page can be useful to some of you.
- D.V.

Research highlights


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A complete list of my scientific articles

can be found via the Astrophysics Data System or via Google Scholar.


PhD thesis

Vohl, D. 2018, Accelerating discovery in the petascale astronomy era. Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.

Master's thesis (French)

Vohl, D. 2013, Algorithmes de compression d'images hyperspectrales astrophysiques. Université Laval, Canada.



Vohl, D., 2024. "Topology of Pulsar Profiles: graph theory method and application to the EPN". Fundamental Physics in Radio Astronomy (FPRA) group journal club. Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy.

Vohl, D., 2023. "Data in action: The Extreme Universe and Gravitational Waves". EOSC Future M24 Review Meeting, European Commission. online

Vohl, D., 2023. , 2023. "Seeking luminous compact radio sources in dwarf galaxies". Use cases from the EOSC community. online.

Vohl, D., 2023. "A LOFAR sample of luminous compact radio sources coincident with nearby dwarf galaxies". LOFAR Family meeting. Olsztyn, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland.

Vohl, D., 2023. "matchmaker: Mining astronomical catalogues in Python". OSSR Collaboration meeting. Online.

Vohl, D., 2022. "Virtual Research Environment demo from ESCAPE Extreme Universe Test Science Project: Searching for FRB persistent radio source counterparts in dwarf galaxies using LOFAR". ESCAPE to the Future. Brussels, Belgium.

Vohl, D., Vedantham, H., Hessels, J., Bassa, C., 2022. "Characterizing over-luminous compact radio sources in dwarf galaxies". ASTRON Astrolunch series (2022) $\cdot$ Dwingeloo, Drenthe, Netherlands.

Vohl, D., Vedantham, H., Hessels, J., Bassa, C., 2022. "Searching for FRB persistent radio source counterparts in dwarf galaxies using LOFAR". International Astronomical Union General Assembly 2022 - IAUS 369 - The Dawn of Cosmology & Multi-Messenger Studies with Fast Radio Bursts. Busan, South Korea.

Vohl, D., Vedantham, H., Hessels, J., Bassa, C., 2022. "Searching for FRB persistent radio source counterparts in dwarf galaxies using LOFAR". LOFAR family meeting. Köln, Germany.

Vohl, D. 2021. "Pulsar profiles from a graph perspective". European Astronomical Society annual meeeting. Special session 32b: Machine learning and visualisation in data intensive era. Invited.

Vohl, D. 2021. "Exploring pulsar profiles at population scale from a graph theory perspective". SKA science conference: A precursor view of the SKA Sky.

Adams, E. A., Adebahr, B., Connor, L., De Blok, E., Dénes, H., Hess, K., Kutkin, A., Lucero, D., Maan, Y., Morganti, R., Moss, V., Oosterloo, T., Oostrum, L., Orrù, E., Petroff, E., Schulz, R., van der Hulst, J., van Leeuwen, J., Verheijen, M., Vohl, D., Apertif Team. 2020. "The Apertif Surveys: The First Six Months". American Astronomical Society meeting #235, id. 136.07. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 52, No. 1.

Sclocco, A., Vohl, D., van Nieuwpoort, R., 2019, "Real-Time RFI Mitigation for the Apertif Radio Transient System", presented at Radio Frequency Interference workshop (RFI 2019): Coexisting with Radio Frequency Interference, Toulouse, France. (Co-presentation with A. Sclocco)

Vohl, D., 2019, “Visual analytics algorithms for multidimensional astronomical data”, presented at European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) 2019, Lyon, France.

Vohl, D., 2018, “New approaches to Volume and Velocity challenges of Modern Astronomy”, presented at Astroinformatics 2018, HITS, Heidelberg, Germany. Invited.

Vohl, D., 2018, “Shwirl: Colouring Spectral Cube”, Lightning talk presented at Python in Astronomy 2018, CCA, Flatiron Institute, New York City, USA.

Vohl, D., 2016, “Real-time Spectral Cube Colouring and Processing with Graphics Shaders”, Presented at Astroinformatics 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.

Sommer, B., Barnes D. G., Boyd, S., Chandler, T., Cordeil, M., Klein, K., Nguyen, T. D., Nim, H., Stephens, K., Vohl, D., Wilson, E., McCormack, J., Mariott, K., Schreiber, F. 2017. "3D-Stereoscopic Immersive Analytics Projects at Monash University and University of Konstanz", To be presented at the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications 2017 Conference, San Francisco, USA.

Vohl, D., Fluke, C. J., Hassan, A. H., Barnes, D. G., Kilborn, V. A., 2016, “Collaboration, Visual Analytics and the Cloud in the Big Survey Era”, Presented at Australia Telescope National Facility 3D Visualisation Workshop 2016, Marsfield, Australia.

Vohl, D., 2016, “Colouring redshift and velocity: a novel visual cue to inspect spectral cubes in real-time”, Presented at Australia Telescope National Facility 3D Visualisation Workshop 2016, Marsfield, Australia.

Vohl, D., Fluke, C. J., Hassan, A. H., Barnes, D. G., Kilborn, V. A., 2016, “Collaborative visual analytics of radio surveys in the Big Data era”, Presented at International Astronomical Union Symposium 325 - Astroinformatics, Sorrento, Italy.

Vohl, D., Fluke, C. J., Hassan, A. H., Barnes, D. G., 2016, “Colouring redshift and velocity: a novel visual cue to inspect volumetric data in Astronomy”, Presented at Perspectives of GPU computing in Science conference, Rome, Italy.

Drijfhout, M., Kendal, D., Vohl, D., Green, P., 2016. “Quantitatively exploring sentiments in a heated conservation debate: How do we feel about culling koalas?”, Presented by M.D. at the Society for Conservation Biology 4th Oceania Congress, Brisbane, Australia. Honourable mention.

Vohl, D., 2015, “Astronomy in the Petascale Data Era: storage, transfer and visualization”, Presented at .Astronomy7 conference, Sydney, Australia. Invited.

Vohl, D., Quimper, C.-G., Dubé, D., 2012. “Finding Synchronization Codes to Boost Compression by Substring Enumeration”. Presented at the Eleventh International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef 2012), held at the 18th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 12), Québec, Canada.


Vohl, D. 2024. “ToPP! Topology of Pulsar Profiles”, Presented at the Netherlands Astronomer conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.

Vohl, D. 2023. “Topology of Pulsar Profiles”, Presented at the Science at Low Frequencies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Vohl, D. 2023. “A LOFAR sample of luminous compact radio sources coincident with nearby dwarf galaxies”, Presented at the Science at Low Frequencies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Vohl, D. 2023. Idem, Presented at FRB2023. Online.

Vohl, D. 2019. “ARTS real-time interference mitigation efforts to enable efficient search for Fast Radio Bursts”, Presented at the Nederlandse Astronomenconferentie (Dutch Astronomers' conference), Groningen, The Netherlands.

Vohl, D. 2019. “ARTS real-time interference mitigation efforts to enable efficient search for Fast Radio Bursts”, Presented at the Nederlandse Astronomenconferentie (Dutch Astronomers' conference), Groningen, The Netherlands.

Vohl, D., Fluke, C.J., Hassan, A.H., Barnes, D.G., V.A. Kilborn. 2016. “Collaborative visual analytics of large radio surveys”, Presented at the twenty-sixth annual Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Conference, Trieste, Italy.

Vohl, D., Fluke, C.J., Barnes, D.G., Hassan, A.H. 2015. “An interactive, comparative and quantitative 3D visualisation system for large-scale spectral-cube surveys using CAVE2”, Presented at the twenty-fifth annual Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Vohl, D., Fluke, C. J., Vernardos, G. 2014, “Should I compress my data or throw it away?”, Presented at the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia.

Training / Teaching


Data in action: The Extreme Universe and Gravitational Waves (European Open Science Cloud's compute, storage and data with EOSC marketplace).

I have recorded a number of introductory webinars relative to computing for astronomers during 2017 and 2018 as part of a series developed by Astronomy Data and Computing Services (ADACS YouTube channel).

Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL).
Scientific Data Visualization with Python.
Introduction to Version Control with Git.
Introduction to MPI.
Introduction to HDF5.
Introduction to astropy.
IVOA Table Access Protocol.
Introduction to Slurm.


Vohl, D., 2017, “Data Visualization with Python”, Presented at ANITA 2017 Astroinformatics school, Hobart, Australia.

Vohl, D., 2017, “Introduction to version control with git”, Presented at ANITA 2017 Astroinformatics school, Hobart, Australia. Formatted and edited from work by Mutch (2013).

Vohl, D., 2015, “Introduction to Relational Databases with SQL for .Astronomy7”, Presented at .Astronomy7 conference, Sydney, Australia.

Vohl, D., 2015, “Introduction to Relational Databases with SQL”, Presented at the Hacker Within, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Australia.


Vohl, D. 2023. matchmaker.

Maan, Y., J. van Leeuwen, Vohl, D. 2020. RFIClean: Periodic RFI cleaning, described in Maan, van Leeuwen and Vohl. arXiv, 2020.

Vohl, D. 2020. CHIME repeaters observer.

Sclocco, A., Vohl, D. 2020. RFIm: real-time RFI mitigation, described in Sclocco, Vohl and van Nieuwpoort, RFI, 2019.

Vohl, D. 2019. Time-domain astronomy sandbox.

Vohl, D., 2019. amber_meta.

Saleheen S., Lakerink, L., and Vohl, D. 2018. ADACS-SS18B-PLasky.  

Saleheen S., and Vohl, D. 2018. ADACS-SS18A-JBanfield.

Vohl, D., Saleheen S., and Lakerink, L. 2017. ADACS-GBKFIT.      

Vohl, D. 2017. “shwirl”, described in Vohl et al., MNRAS, 2017.

Vohl, D., Barnes, D. G., Fluke, C. J., Benovitski, Y., Kaluza, O. L., Nguyen, T. D. 2016. encube, described in Vohl et al., PeerJ Computer Science, 2016.

Vohl, D.. 2015. KERLUMPH, described in Vohl, Fluke and Vernardos, A&C, 2015.

Vohl, D., Quimper, C.-G., Dubé, D. 2012. OPB files, a series of Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO) hard instances, and related code, described in Vohl, Quimper, Dubée. ModRef, 2012.
* This dataset is available for use as benchmark, as was previously by the International Pseudo-Boolean Solver Competition.

I contributed to diverse software and websites as software developer at the start of my profesional life. Among others, I have contributed to E-Fauna and E-Flora, two online atlases about the wilderness of British-Columbia, Canada.
